Frequently Asked Questions

Welcome to the official FAQ for the GiG Academy!

If you can't find the answer you are looking for, please drop us an email to and we will add it to the list. You also might want to check out the tutorial video to get you started.

I have an email that a course was assigned to me. What should I do?

If you have received an email from GiG Academy, stating that course XZY was assigned to you 30 days ago, but you haven't completed it yet, you should log into your account on the academy, using your username and password. The main category labelled "# Mandatory Courses" on your Learner Dashboard contains all courses that are mandatory for you. Under each course name you can see your progress in % and when it expires. If course XZY is not in this category, then you don't need to complete it. However, we highly suggest you review all the courses assigned to you. This way GiG Academy will not send any more emails to you.

How do I know if a course is mandatory?

The main category labelled "# Mandatory Courses" on your Learner Dashboard contains all courses that are mandatory for you. Under each course name you can see your progress in % and when it expires.

How can I tell if a course is completed?

We have put together this quick guide to help you out. You may also download it here.

Which courses are mandatory?

At the moment there are 5 mandatory courses available which every employee has to complete:

  • Anti-Money Laundering
  • GiG Escalations (White Label only)
  • Information Security
  • Phishing Special
  • Responsible Gaming (GiG)

How much time do I have to complete a mandatory course?

All mandatory courses assigned to you, will expire after 30 days. You will receive a reminder email, letting you know that you have 48 hours left to complete the course.

What happens if I fail a mandatory course quiz?

Only the mandatory courses have a certain number of tries as this is a regulatory requirement. If learners do not pass the quiz the second time, then we organize a classroom training session to make sure that the subject has been fully understood and reply to any questions that they might have.

Why can I not login with my email address?

You need to login with your username because the system does not allow to login with your email address at this point in time. However, we are looking into the option to use SSO in the near future.

A course video doesn't start or keeps loading. What should I do?

If you encounter a course video that keeps looping or won't load for you at all, we suggest you clear your browser cache & cookies. Not sure how to do this? Check out this link here. Alternatively, you can open the course in a new incognito window.

Why is my account inactive?

In order to complete your account registration, you will receive an automated email from GiGsters Academy which contains your activation link. Once you have clicked the activation link, your account will be activated. This will NOT be the case, if you have entered an invalid email address during your registration. Please ensure this email address you provide is correct.

How do I know my username?

If you have created your account on GiGsters Academy yourself, you chose your username when you registered. It should look something like this: firstname.lastname. If you can't remember it, you can always use the link provided on the login page.

I forgot my password. Where can I reset it?

If you forgot your password, you can always setup a new password by clicking on the Forgot Password link provided on the login page.

Why is there no SSO available?

Single sign on is something we are striving toward. For the time being, we were unfortunately not granted the technical resources for this to happen from launch, but we will keep this in mind for future updates to the Academy.

Are the Learner Points linked to OKRs?

The points reflect your learning progress. They are not related to any OKRs.

Can I get something cool from my Learner Points?

Not yet, but we are looking into this option.

Why can I not complete course XYZ?

In order to complete a course, you need to make sure to go through all units, including mandatory material, e.g. documents or videos.

How can I complete a course?

It is vital, to click the complete h3 underneath each unit or document, so that the system marks it as complete.

I scored 50% in the Responsible gaming course but it is still not completed. Am I missing something?

In order to complete this Responsible Gaming course, you will have to pass the final test with 80%. Should you fail your first attempt, you may give it a second try. If you fail your second try as well, we will organize a mandatory classroom session for you, to answer all your questions and help you with areas you were struggling with.

I already have the mandatory Gambling Compliance online certificate. Will I need to take the course again on GiGsters Academy?

Yes. We are no longer using their services as we have now our own system to keep track of all regulatory compliance. Therefore we need to ensure all employees have successfully completed the AML & RG courses.